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She is located in front of the palace at Hydra Island …Welcome to the Stock Page! Here, you can find the Fruits that are currently in stock, as well as those that were in stock in the previous and next-to-last stock. The Island Empress spawns every 30 minutes. She uses Dark Step and three moves from the old Love fruit to attack the player. The Island Empress also has a chance of 2-5% dropping the Serpent Bow. She was added in Update 15, along with the Third Sea. The Training Dummy regens its Health Points in 2 seconds if no damage is …The Island Empress is a Level 1675 Boss. However, he can swing just as fast as a normal Dark Blade, and does the same amount of, if not more damage. The Training Dummy uses the Dark Blade as a weapon, but does not use its skills. The Training Dummy is a level 1500 NPC which was added in Update 15.